Sales Support

use this page to insert all sales support material: include dowload options for videos and pdf.


  • -Agents need to know that you can service your customers in a timely and efficient manner.
  • -Agents need to know what kind of support is available and how you resolve issues.
  • -Let them know the level of support available and how happy your existing customers are too.
  • Marketing material:
    • Up-to-date websites, material and product samples are a must.
    • Start with PMP,
    • Include box of class materials from VMEdu for the PMP and 6 sigma classes.
    • Document with link to mobile apps, links to videos and a download kit (in dropbox? And load all in the youtube channel), create a agents page on the CR website with all the material.
    • Document on the TTT process
    • CrowRider Sales support kit checklist